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Payments in SEPA format
Dátum: 1/13/2014

Approaching deadline 01.02.2014 launch of SEPA, which begins to run a transitional period of transition at the end of which will be banks customers allowed to make cashless euro payments anywhere in the European Economic Area (EEA). All non-cash payments in euro will thereby become domestic payments within the EEA (EEA = SEPA space), ie there will be no difference between domestic and cross-border payments.


  • From 01.02.2014 legal entities within SEPA area will have to use their own account number and account numbers of all trading partners only in IBAN format.
  • If a legal entity sends their payment to the bank in a file (eg. electronic payment orders), the new XML message format (ISO 20022 XML standard) for electronic communications must be implemented not later than 02.01.2016.


We are trying to incorporate the functionality to SRS®, so that our clients can seamlessly make payments from the beginning of the period. In the month of December 2013 we distributed the current version of the client module double-entry bookkeeping with incorporation of export payment orders in the SEPA - XML format and with the option to convert accounts. Over the next period we plan to prepare an update, which will be incorporating the ability to import bank statements into the SEPA format.